Installing a VSTS build agent on a Ubuntu machine

The documentation on the Microsoft website is usually quite comprehensive and… at the same time sometimes not that easy to follow. When all you care about is installing a build agent on your Linux machine, so that you can run private builds controlled from VSTS, you may find that the docs tell you to jump between a few pages, mentioning other options and other possibilities on the way leaving you confused.

Once you get through all that you can find out that, in fact, all you had to do was Continue reading “Installing a VSTS build agent on a Ubuntu machine”

Setting up Continuous Delivery Pipeline in Visual Studio Team Services

In this post, I am going to present an example of a Continuous Delivery Pipeline that helps in efficient delivering of software.

The build definition should contain Unit Tests step that should fail in case of any detected bugs, so that it does not land in any subsequent environments.

Once the build is successful (the code compiles, unit tests pass, the deployment package gets created etc.) the software can be deployed to DEV environment for the developers to perform any kinds of tests on it. Simultaneously it can be deployed to STAGING environment for thorough Automated Acceptance Testing*. If all tests have been passed, then it should be set ready for PROD environment.
Continue reading “Setting up Continuous Delivery Pipeline in Visual Studio Team Services”

Running a .NET Core Web application in Linux

(Linux distribution and version: Ubuntu 16.04)

After deploying a .NET Core web application’s files, one can start the app by running:
user@machine-name:/$ dotnet TheApp.dll

This will result in Kestrel running the app under http://localhost:5000.
Continue reading “Running a .NET Core Web application in Linux”

Setting up Automated Builds in Visual Studio Team Services

Whether you use a Git repository from VSTS or any other external repository such as one on GitHub, you can configure VSTS to perform automated builds for you.

In the setup that I have the repo is within VSTS. Every time I perform a push to master branch, a build gets triggered automatically.
The result is a zip file that contains the built software along with a deployment script which, when executed, copies the files in the required location.
Continue reading “Setting up Automated Builds in Visual Studio Team Services”

Get your web application accessible under a subdomain

(Using nginx)

Suppose you have a domain such as and you would like to provide access to a number of sites under your domain.

There are at least two ways you can achieve it. Either by appending a name i.e. or by specifying a sub-domain such as
Continue reading “Get your web application accessible under a subdomain”